The largest distributed
wind power portfolio in Italy.


Europe aims to become the first climate neutral continent by 2050. This sets the stage for an immense pressure on the EU countries to revolutionize their current energy infrastructure rapidly and completely.

Although Italy has a surplus in wind and solar resources due to its ideal location in the Mediterranean, attractive feed in tariffs and many governmental support schemes for renewables, the targeted annual installation rate of 4GW of green generation capacity is still far off. While over 3GW of renewable energy were installed in 2022, the annual average of the last five years was only just above 1,5GW, and last year, the total installed capacity of wind energy was below 500MW. This slow rate of installation is mainly due to long permitting procedures, high administrative burdens, a significant number of permits being rejected and increased local opposition to large turbines and wind farms.

In summary, large scale wind development is currently experiencing substantial growth pain. With the stagnation of installation capacity, Italy runs the risk of losing its momentum in its energy transition in a time where the need for new wind energy developments is at an all-time high.

How can project developers and investors make use of the positive aspects of the Italian market, while avoiding long realization times for projects? Repower Italy is a joint venture project which utilizes the benefits of distributed wind power to rapidly develop 100MW of generation capacity and help Italy and Europe pursue their green energy goals.

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