Combined expertise in renewable energy business
and real estate investment.

Founding Members

Hagen Kahmann
Founder and managing director of Kauri CAB

Ralf Medenbach
Founder and partner of Kauri CAB

Giuseppe De Luca
Founder and managing director of BH Group

Rocco Mauro
Founder and former director of BH Group

Kauri CAB, based in Berlin, Germany, has extensive experience in real estate development and asset management with over 170 transactions and over 500,000 m² of development. BH Group is an advisor and technical service provider for the Italian renewables market, conducting over 100 transactions of wind plants over the last 10 years. Bringing together both partners matches Kauri CAB’s experience in institutional transactions and project development with the unique position of BH Group in the Italian wind market as well as their technical experience with wind energy.

Over the last six years, the two parties have been building their partnership and their standing in the Italian renewable energy sector and have accumulated the largest distributed wind portfolio in the country. Backed by the extensive portfolio of close to 70 wind sites, the founding of a highly professional and agile project developer for renewable energy has moved from an idea to a reality, and Repower Italy was born.
